Bringing Literacy and Numeracy Together with 40 Mathematical Stories and 150 Linked Hands-on Lessons - Sample Packs
Sample Pack for Australian Curriculum Version 9
Victorian Curriculum Version 2.0
Sample Pack for the new
NSW Syllabus
for K-2 and 3-6
Sample Pack
for the WA Mathematics Curriculum
and South Australia
Includes an easy-to-navigate catalogue that summaries and organises all titles by the best-suited content descriptor and year level.
Includes 150 tried-and-tested follow-on lessons directly Linked to the stories to bring them to life in the mathematics classroom using materials.
Three minute information video
Numeracy Library Package inclusions:
Our team of Australian numeracy coaches and primary teachers have selectively chosen the best 40 picture story books to tune and hook students into maths. We have also created multiple comprehensive lesson plans for each picture story book, including teacher modelling, photographs of lessons in action and work samples, enabling and extending prompts, as well as higher-order questioning with specific page number references to the stories.
Packages to support your teams
40 hard copy picture books specifically chosen for their excellent mathematical content, great literature and memorable storylines.
150 linked lessons plans (between 2 and 10 for each title) created by Australian numeracy coaches and experienced primary teachers to bring the mathematics from each story to life in the classroom.
Each title has recommended year levels and best-matched concepts to maximise the most effective use of the stories to introduce and explicitly teach mathematics throughout the year. Teachers can simply click on the front covers and teacher summaries in the organised catalogues to be taken directly to the best mathematical storylines and linked hands-on lessons for their particular class. This ensures time-constrained teachers can quickly navigate and use the numeracy library titles and linked lessons for years.
A complete catalogue with library set up recommendations, small display posters for easy teacher collection, and resource protection tips to ensure the library is well-managed and maintained (especially in larger schools with many staff accessing it for lessons). Many schools house the picture books in their school library catalogue as part of a staff-only access, teacher resource area.
All packs arrive to your campus with free delivery and the hard copy books pre-organised into their sections (place value; addition; subtraction; multiplication; division; fractions; measurement and geometry; statistics and probability).
The entire package is an outright purchase - not a year-by-year subscription.
Order online by school purchase order/invoice or school credit card
with delivery this term (free postage!)
Planning Support Resources


Selectively-chosen numeracy picture book titles with over 150 linked lessons that are in addition to those in the early years and years 3-6 planning packs.
All titles are organised by year level and arrive packed into concepts (place value; addition; subtraction; multiplication; division; fractions; measurement and geometry; statistics and probability).
Developmentally-sequenced, user-friendly
unit plans with detailed hands-on lessons for every critical skill throughout the early years. Diagnostic and formative assessments highlight points-of-need.
Lessons include enabling and extending prompts, engaging hooks, warm-ups, photographs of numeracy coaches modelling and student work samples.