Story: So it turns out boxing is not good for you. You hit your head too many times and lose lots of brain cells, which are what helps you learn! So the Olympics has decided to change boxing, so that instead of hitting other people, you just hit pompoms/balls into a box. It's still called boxing though - because you're hitting a box. Tools: Recycled shoe/Bunnings boxes or similar. Giant pompoms/tennis table balls or similar.

Main event
Students practise subtraction by 'boxing' balls into a box that has holes, essentially playing whack-a-mole. Emphasise the oral language and require students to say this as they work:
"I start with 5. I hit down 2. I have 3 left."
OR "5 take away 2 is 3."
Student recording: Using the 'take away' language template, as well as a pictorial/maths sketch and number sentence for subtraction:

Support: Start with 3 or 4 balls only at first, taking away from smaller numbers, arranging these so they are easy to subitise. For example, the same way 4 looks on the dice.
Further support: Only hit 1 ball at a time, practising one less than the starting number.
Extension: Write the matching addition number sentence (2 + 3 = 5) to prove the subtraction (5 - 2 = 3), or even the full fact family.