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Olympic Mathematics - Angles on the field for Year 4-6


It's the dying seconds of the game and you have the ball in your possession. One problem though - it is literally the final three seconds, there is no time to pass to a teammate, and you are on a tough angle from the goal. Oh well, there's no other option - shoot for it!


  • Craft items to mock up a mini playing field of a sport where there are clear goals (soccer, aussie rules, hockey).

  • Lego figurine or similar.

  • String.

  • Protractor.

  • Pompom or similar as the ball.

  • Blu Tack or similar.

Main event

Set up your playing field with a teammate (5-minute time limit as a class).

Place your player on the field.

Estimate the angle at which they need to shoot to score (aiming directly for the centre of the goals).

Pro tip for estimation: 0 degrees is straight ahead from the perspective of the kicker/player, so adjust from that. Look at the size of the angle made by the string - does it look less or more than 90 degrees (a right angle)? Does it look like half a right angle? More than half/90? Less?

After estimating, make the angle with string - one part starting from the centre of the goals to your player, and the other from your player directly in front of them (0 degree angle looking straight).

Adjust your estimate based on the string's visual assistance BEFORE using your protractor.

Lay down your protractor.

Whoever's estimate was closest (yours or your teammate's), scores that goal as a point.

Put your player in a new position and repeat.

Challenge: Does the distance from the goal change the angle? Move the player directly backwards or forwards to check. Answer: It does not change - angles are measures of turn, not measures of distance.

Support: Focus only on classifying the angle as more or less than a right angle. Is the angle (the string) smaller than 90 (smaller than an L)? If so, estimate less. Is it bigger/wider than L - if so, estimate more than 90.

Extension: Goals from behind and other extreme angles. Alternatively, work out the angle of the player from the perspective of the goalkeeper/goalposts - is it the same or different?


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